Monday, January 7, 2013

1 up, 1 down

It's my new favorite quote. Or at least, it's partly my new favorite quote. Partly because I love it on one hand and disagree with it on the other. Let me explain...

When you look around at our broken world and look at the interactions between the people on this earth, this quote has so much truth to it. I see examples of this all over. If we think we are worthless we will not accept love. If we think we deserve infinite amounts of love we will take hold of that love even if it is not offered. We create a quantity of love in our minds and roll with it, no matter if that's our own version of the story or not. It's a problem that needs to be solved.

In light of faith, though, this quote is not correct. We did nothing to deserve God's love; nothing to deserve Jesus coming and dying in our place; nothing to be saved of all our sin. We deserve no love. And we need to figure that out before we can truly know the full extent of God's love. I don't think that we ever will understand how much we don't deserve His love until we're in heaven, but I do think that we need to strive for this. We need to accept His love because we don't deserve it; because He is an awesome God.

This quote is beautiful and I love the meaning behind it but you have to be careful when you pick and choose words. People are not perfect and their words will not be either.

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