Thursday, February 26, 2015

SOTW - He Knows

So encouraged by this song today!

"We may faint and we may sink; feel the pain and near the brink. But the dark begins to shrink when you find the One who knows."

Song: He Knows
Artist: Jeremy Camp

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Book Review - Restless

Boy, oh boy has it been a while since I've done a book review. I actually listed this book in my top 3 faith books of 2014 so this is a long time coming! Here it goes:

Restless by Jennie Allen
Ok, so if I'm being honest, it took me a while to get into this one. Once I did get into it though, it really challenged me and got me to reevaluate some aspects of my life, especially my perspective on my schooling and future career.

One of this book's purposes is to guide you in finding the threads (a term she uses a lot throughout the book) in your life that you're passionate about and help you see how these can be used to define your purpose. What the book actually taught me was something a bit different

I sort of went into this book not knowing what I was in for (which may be one of the reasons it took me so long to get into it). I was pretty sure I could name my passions and fit them into what I was (pretty) sure was my purpose. This book - while maybe meant to narrow in on a certain purpose - actually helped me broaden my sense of purpose in a really good way. Often I find that I get too focused on a worldly purpose (ie. my schooling, my future career etc.) and forget my Godly purpose which is to make disciples (see Matthew 28:18-20). Ultimately, I think God can use our wordly purpose as a vehicle for us to interact with unbelievers, but we can't lose sight of the fact that once we're gone our careers (our degrees, our success etc.) won't matter. What will matter is how we glorified God on this earth.

To get back to the book now... I thought that the writing was engaging and thought-provoking. She used a lot of personal stories that really show cased the points she was trying to make, while showing that she wasn't just teaching these ideas but actually learning them in her own life as well. There were also funky little journaling sections which looked fun (although I didn't use them).

I would highly recommend this one to women of any age but I definitely think it's an important topic for teens and young adults to dive into!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Having a Moment: Stripes + Plaid and Sevenly

At this current point in the winter season, layering is definitely key! I am loving the stripe and plaid combinations that keep popping up on pinterest! Here's two of my favorites:
via. Twenties Girl Style

via. unknown

Can I also just take another moment here to highlight some of my absolute favorite t-shirts (that I'm dreaming about wearing with cuffed jeans and cute flats when the weather gets warmer)? If you haven't heard of Sevenly you are seriously missing out! Cute limited-edition t-shirts that help support amazing organizations? A total win-win in my books! Here are two of my favorites (the bottom one is no longer available [sorry!] but it does showcase their amazing artistry and thoughtfulness as they put together designs!):

direct link to product: here

Stress Less

"Stress makes you believe that everything has to happen right now. Faith reassures you that everything will happen in God's timing."
- Unknown

Wednesday, February 4, 2015